Case Study

Strengthening Security and Compliance for Admin Recovery, LLC


Admin Recovery, LLC, based in Buffalo, has cemented a formidable reputation in the financial sector. They have successfully distinguished themselves through consistent service delivery and an acute understanding of their clients’ needs. Their operations significantly hinge on their associations with several banks and financial institutions, necessitating the utmost security of sensitive financial information and strict adherence to regulatory compliance.

The Challenge

For Admin Recovery, LLC, maintaining a secure network was a vital business requirement. Potential banking partners would shy from engaging in business unless assured of a secure environment that eliminated the risk of data breaches. The digital sharing and communication of financial information posed significant cybersecurity challenges. In addition to these security considerations, Admin Recovery, LLC, had to ensure unwavering compliance with the financial sector regulations. Non-compliance could result in lost business opportunities, regulatory penalties, and severe reputational damage.

The Solution

MVP’s managed IT services were the preferred choice for Admin Recovery, LLC, thanks to our longstanding relationship and proven expertise in the financial institution compliance and IT sector. We differentiated ourselves with our in-depth knowledge of financial sector regulations, IT infrastructure management, and adherence to the highest cybersecurity standards.

We developed in tandem with the client, fostering an environment of trust facilitated by their continuous success in audits and maintenance of a secure, high-performing network. We orchestrated quarterly audits with their banking partners, ensuring the client’s IT environment consistently met top-notch standards.

Additionally, we played the role of subject matter experts, interfacing with large financial institutions on behalf of Admin Recovery, LLC. Our thorough understanding of the large financial institution’s standards guaranteed that the client’s operations were always in alignment with these requirements.

At the heart of our approach was a steadfast commitment to cybersecurity best practices and regulatory compliance. We made certain that our client’s systems were not just secure but also always ready to pass any technical audits.

The Results

Our managed IT services significantly enhanced Admin Recovery, LLC’s compliance with stringent financial regulations. This development considerably minimized the risk of non-compliance penalties, fostering a higher degree of trust among their customers and partners.

Our technical expertise proved instrumental in unlocking new business opportunities for our client. Recognizing their compliance excellence and cybersecurity best practices, large financial institutions introduced new business possibilities to Admin Recovery, LLC. Essentially, our technical capabilities enabled the client to secure fresh business ventures, accelerating their growth, and augmenting their market footprint.